Slow Ways x ATE Funding Announcement

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If you could walk between any two towns or cities, where would you go?

Created by hundreds of volunteers, Slow Ways is a new national walking network that connects all of Great Britain’s towns and cities. People can use Slow Ways to walk between neighbouring towns or combine routes for longer distance journeys.

The ultimate aim is to inspire and support more people to walk and wheel more often, further and for more purposes.

Slow Ways aims to be both inclusive and diverse. 

To help with that process Slow Ways have teamed up with All the Elements. We’re offering funding for some members of the All The Elements community to go on a journey that makes use of the network. You can apply for either £500 or £1000. You can decide how you spend the money, may that be paying yourself or covering expenses. All we want in return is your feedback on Slow Ways and for you to enjoy using the network. 

You might want to:

  • Travel as far as you can with the budget

  • Take a group on a hike between two train stations

  • Go on multiple shorter journeys 

Thanks to The National Lottery Community Fund supporting Slow Ways, we have a total of £5,000 to distribute.

Here’s how it works.

1. Apply

Complete this short application before November 1st. We want to know about your plans, what you will use the money for and how it will help with our objectives. 

2. Journey

Walk or wheel your journey, but no cycling this time. Slow Ways is designed for walking and wheelchairs/scooters where possible. You could also run, but we are looking for feedback on the route from a walking perspective so please bear this in mind. We’d welcome some social media coverage of your journey, but it’s not essential. You can choose your Slow Ways’ route and view the whole network on the Slow Ways website.

3. Feedback

If your application is successful, we’ll ask you to complete a short survey so that we can collect your feedback and ideas. We’d also like you to attend either a group or 1:1 group discussion to debrief you. Added together this will equate to about 90 minutes of feedback time.


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