Slow Ways are looking for long distance runners to run to Cardiff on the 28th of May!

Slow Ways is a network of walking routes that link every town, city and national park in Great Britain. They are currently testing these routes to make sure they are reasonably direct, safe, accessible and enjoyable. All over the country, volunteers are walking and reviewing Slow Ways - currently at a rate of 137km per day!

Slow Ways National Swarm

  • On the weekend of the 27-29th of May they are inviting people to join in on a big nationwide push to walk and review routes, called the National Slow Ways Swarm. As part of this they will be holding a get-together in Little Man Coffee in Central Cardiff, from 6-8pm on Saturday the 28th of May.

Can you run there?

They would love to inspire more runners to use and review Slow Ways routes, and are looking to pay a small number of runners to inspire others by running to Cardiff, to arrive at Little Man Coffee for 6pm. They are envisaging a starburst of routes from all compass points (except due south…!), and would love to find people who’d like to run in all the way from the Bristol area, from the English border around Gloucester, down from the Welsh Valleys, and along the coast from the east and west. 

Each runner will be paid £250 for the day of running (or if you would like to run so far that you need two or more days, or want to run through the night etc, They would be happy to hear from you!) plus reasonable travel expenses and accommodation too if needed. They will also give you a very warm welcome at the finish line!

They don’t want anyone to undertake a challenge that is beyond their ability. They are looking for experienced runners who regularly and comfortably run 20-50-mile (or even a multi-day 100 mile) journeys and take all due precautions. This is an unsupported, self-designed challenge! 

Runners will need to:

  • Plan your own route using Slow Ways ( to arrive in Cardiff at 6pm

  • Post your own social media updates along your route, using #fastslowways and #SlowWays

  • Send Slow Ways some brief film clips of the trip, including selfies and views of the route, to be confirmed, but not time consuming or distracting

  • Review the route on the Slow Ways site, in the days following the run

  • Be willing to have a chat with one of the editorial team to feed back about your experience

How to Apply:

Please contact Hannah Engelkamp at Slow ways including information on where you would like to run from.


YHA Festival of Walking are looking for community group leaders to organise walks


Diverse Voices at KMF